Monday, May 20, 2013


Maya is the second doll that I knitted from Arne and Carlos ..... I made this doll to gift my husband's advisor and I really had lots of fun. So what did maya do today? Let's see...
Maya was playing with her little doll Macy and was eating strawberry and was enjoying some apple juice.....
Then she was bored of playing so she decided to read a fairy tale to her little doll Macy 

Meanwhile a little bunny sneaked out from the doll closet to eat the strawberry since she was bored of eating carrots. Then Rascal the dog started peeping out from the closet...and he got some ideas as well....
After the dog a little mouse followed the dog.

After this all other animals came out as well and everybody wanted to enjoy the strawberry and the apple juice and so they started fighting amongst themselves . Bunny and the little mice started fighting for the fruit, Rascal started sipping from the glass and the pigs started fighting for the remaining juice and the mama mouse and the papa mouse was trying to stop the fight , and the third pig was trying to escape after stealing the packet of apple juice....
 Meanwhile Maya heard the noises and came to see what's happening 
Then she got angry and put all the little rascals in a basket and little Macy helped her with this task.... They will go straight into the doll closet.

Now finally Maya can peacefully get back to her reading :) 

I really had fun playing with these dolls .i hope those who read this post will enjoy as well. Thanks for stopping by ....

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