Monday, May 29, 2017

Bedtime Elephant.


From past two weeks, in my break time at work, I was knitting this Bedtime Elephant, from Jeangreen Howe's book 'Knitted Animals'. I completed it this weekend.
Ever since I read the announcement on Jean's website that she has retired at the age of 83, and there won't be anymore Jeangreen Howe's designs, I am quite upset. I just thought of knitting some of her designs. I am lucky that I can knit and I am lucky to have discovered Jeangreen Howe's designs. I am quite honored to knit and sew her dolls.
I just thought of mentioning this nursery rhyme:
Just as Midnight's striking,
When everyone's asleep,
Elephants yawn and stretch and shake,
And out of warm beds creep.

They sneak out from their houses,
And gather in the dark,
Then skip along the empty streets,
Heading for the park.....  (Continues)

Sometimes, I feel that I should have remained a child!
I enjoyed knitting this little guy. During my busy work schedule, taking some time out to knit or read or draw is quite relaxing...
Will be back with my next project.
Until then....

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Any time's tea break time.

Today, Molly didn't feel like going to work, so she called her boss and told him that her dog is sick and she needs to take him to the vet.
This is a white lie because she doesn't have a dog, she has a cat and her cat is quite healthy. Besides, she had just taken a holiday, a month ago and her excuse was that her dog had died.
She remembered this after she finished speaking to her boss, but then who cares? She just decided to take a chill pill and do some house keeping. It finally struck that any time's a tea break time. Her cat is always there to give her a company.
Another, Attwell's illustration. I am having an enormous fun painting these little characters. I will do anything to have this kind of a life! This illustration reminds me of my cat, he use to sit on the headrest just like the cat in this illustration while I use to knit.
Recently, I read an article on BBC learning English, where they had listed a several excuses given by people to take a sickie, and that too they were the facts. They had all blamed their pets for not able to go to work. The excuses were quite hilarious, I can go on and on about those but unfortunately I can't, because my cat's eaten my keyboard!
Until next time...;)

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Colorful weekend

This weekend was quite colorful, since I was busy painting two more Mabel Lucie Attwell's illustrations. Also making these into bookmarks are even more exciting!

I am now hooked to making these bookmarks. I love this cutie, especially her red frock and her polka dots hat.
This below one is a 'perfect me'. I know the joy of knitting and to snuggle a pussycat. I love this illustration, it is quite dear to me.
My husband gave a fantastic idea, to get these laminated. I tried it, they looked pretty good after getting them laminated. Below are the pictures of these before and after lamination.

These bookmarks are a great to gift someone. Chubby looking, Rosy checked cuties of  Mabel Lucie Attwell's are precious and priceless!
I have downloaded some more Attwell's illustrations and I am excited to work on those.
Until next..

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Water color bookmark.

I love Mabel Lucie Attwell's illustrations! They are so cute and nostalgic! I am inspired by her work and feeling like painting off late. This is what I painted last weekend.
I still have to learn the techniques of mixing colors. I am really not happy with the skin tone, but it was so much fun painting this. All her illustrations does bring smile on anyone's face. I thought of making this into a bookmark.
I loved this idea of making bookmarks. I am planning to paint a few more. I downloaded a few images and I will be working on them this weekend.
Can't wait to paint!
Until next.....

Was in a mood to sketch!


My husband told me about Mark Kistler's 'Secret city', a TV show that he use to watch as a kid. In this show Mark Kistler shows how to draw and sketch in a very simple way. Anyone can draw by seeing these videos. My husband use to draw seeing this show when he was a kid. He draws pretty well. I was excited when I got to know about this through my husband. I tried sketching this 'Fat Rat'. Although it's not so very good, I had fun sketching it.
My husband made a few sketchs as well. He tried making one point perspective, two point perspective some complicated sketchs watching some other people's videos on YouTube. Below are the two sketches made by​  my husband using one point and two point perspectives.

I will try to draw a few more of these. Many animators working for Pixer and Disney learnt how to draw by watching Mark Kistler's videos. I am quite grateful to my husband, who told me about this.

Dainty Dolly and the parting gift.

Gifting someone a handmade gift is such a pleasure, especially, if it's a Jeangreen Howe's designs. I knitted this doll for my friend, who was my co-worker as a parting gift.

Parting is always difficult, although I was happy to knit this doll, I made this doll with a heavy heart and a lump in my throat. I am surely going to miss my friend!